ICBC Rebates, Job Loss, and Harrowing Cases of Assault, Bullying and Extortion

ICBC Rebates, Job Loss, and Local Assault, Bullying, and Extortion Cases

Each month Spraggs Law publishes Vancouver Legal News, a curated selection of articles about legal issues being discussed in the news. This month we start off with recent rebate promises from ICBC, labour market updates, and stories surrounding a cyberbullying case, a Coquitlam scam, and mounting sexual assault allegations involving a Victoria restaurant. 

Will You Be Getting a Rebate Cheque From ICBC?

Rebate Cheques for B.C. Drivers

During the pandemic, fewer insurance claims left ICBC with millions in surplus, which it promises to pass onto customers. Read more.

Canadian Labour Market Updates

More Canadians Feeling the Job Market Squeeze

While the tighter lockdown orders in Ontario and Quebec contribute to closures in the retail and service sectors, the effects of labour market constriction and the decline in part-time jobs are being felt across Canada. Read more.

Cyber-Bullying and Harassment Cases

Sexual Assault, Cyberbullying, and a Frightening Scam

Workplace Sexual Assault Case Steepens as More Victims Come Forward

A sexual assault investigation is underway as multiple victims continue to come forward, sharing harrowing allegations of sexual assault by a downtown Victoria restaurant’s bartender. Claims surface, accusing restaurant management of ignoring complaints from employees who reported the same bartender’s inappropriate behavior. (Warning: content may be distressing for some readers). Read more.

Long-Awaited Impending Justice for Amanda Todd

The accused, 43-year-old Aydin Coban of the Netherlands, faces charges in B.C.’s Supreme Court. He is currently serving time in a Dutch prison after being charged with multiple counts of “online abuse and for blackmailing 34 young girls and men.” Read more.

Coquitlam Residents Receive Death Threat Scam Packaged With Mysterious Powder

As if 2020 and 2021 weren’t nerve-rattling enough, several Coquitlam citizens fell victim to an extortion scam involving threatening letters packaged with a concerning substance. Read more.

What Do You Think?

What do you think about these updates affecting Vancouver workers, drivers, and examples of harassment, assault, and cyberbullying cases? If you have any questions about ICBC claims or workplace harassment and employment law for the team at Spraggs, we’d love to hear from you. Contact one of our lawyers in Vancouver today.