Going Paper-Less

Law firms might be the leading cause of paper. Firms, like us, use paper for letters, writing documents, records and all kinds of research and communication in service of our clients. At Spraggs & Co. we have taken some steps to reduce the paper we use. For example, our new client intake process is completed by computer on a direct flat screen TV. This helps us make sure your information is accurate because you get to see what’s actually being written, reduces the amount of time we spend handling the same information repeatedly (which can also introduce errors), and cuts down on the amount of paper we use.

It’s not always possible for us to avoid using paper completely. So where we can’t go paperless, we try to go paper-less. And in the process, we’re mindful of the need to protect private and confidential information while doing our small part for the environment. That’s where our friends at Shred-It have been helpful. Shred-It handles private and confidential information, shreds it, and recycles the shredded material.

Since we began using their services last year, we have helped to save 21.3 trees from destruction.

Spraggs & Co - Going Paperless

In some circles it is fashionable to talk about going paperless. And we certainly look for ways to avoid using paper. But it’s not always possible. In those situations, we like to go paper-less — and make sure we recycle where we can.