ICBC Executives Compensated, but Injured Victims Rarely Get Fair Offers

Recap 2012

We had a busy year in 2012, and we’re looking forward to keeping the momentum going this year. Here are just some of the highlights from 2012:

  • We were nominated and short-listed for the Business of the Year Award by the Tri Cities Chamber of Commerce.
  • We completed a significant organizational restructure to help us more effectively serve our clients.
  • We made good progress in our green initiative in pursuit of a paperless office (quite a challenge in our industry!)
  • We hosted breakfast with the Attorney General and Doug Horne MLA for Coquitlam-Burke Mountain, and participated in a justice roundtable at the City of Coquitlam.

Last year wasn’t without it’s challenges. Frankly, we were unable to get access to court in the way that we would like to have, but we’re hoping to contribute to shaping some of those issues through the legal reform efforts underway in BC. Thomas Spraggs was appointed as a director to the BC Law Institute, which looks to reform and modernize the law in British Columbia. He was also appointed to the board of Douglas College. You can read some of Thomas’ predictions for the legal industry in 2013 at the Thoughtful Law Blog.

The best part of the year was being in a position to help many, many injured people in Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody and beyond get access to the legal help that they need. We’d like to thank all the clients who have chosen the team at Spraggs & Co. to represent them. And we look forward to serving so many more of you in the year ahead.

Happy new year!