Neck and back injuries vary greatly in severity and complexity.

If you have been injured in an accident, it is important to see a physician to document your injuries and obtain medical treatment as soon as possible. It is also important to contact a lawyer to help you submit your claim to ICBC and ensure you receive a fair amount based on your unique circumstances and the facts surrounding your case.

Under the new injury compensation laws that apply to accidents effective April 1, 2019, many neck and back injuries many be considered “minor injuries.” It is critical for accident victims that have suffered a neck or back injury to get a proper diagnosis and necessary treatment in order to protect, not just their health, but their injury claim.

Navigating the legal process on your own is complex and can be stressful. Involving an ICBC claims assistance lawyer from the beginning will ensure all deadlines are met and that you fully understand the claims process from start to finish. A Spraggs Law lawyer in the Lower Mainland can evaluate your situation and work on your behalf to obtain fair and reasonable compensation for your injuries.

Neck and Back Injuries: What You Need to Know

Accidents can cause significant impacts to our bodies, which are integrated systems of muscle, tissue and bone. Painful symptoms as the result of an accident can occur in the neck, back and other areas of your body. These symptoms can be difficult to treat and may impact your quality of life, your ability to work and serve your family, and may require significant ongoing treatment.

At Spraggs Law we understand the importance of effective and early rehabilitation—and we work with our clients to help them with their recovery: first by getting the care they need, and second by getting access to fair compensation for their injuries.

Spraggs Law represents clients who have suffered many kinds of injuries, including:

  • Disc related injuries;
  • Whiplash Injuries;
  • Strains;
  • Bursitis or tendonitis;
  • Contusions/bruises;
  • Dislocations;
  • Nerve damage;
  • Thoracic outlet injury;
  • Knee injuries;
  • Shoulder injuries;
  • Degenerative conditions;
  • Chronic pain;
  • Fractures;
  • Aggravation of pre-existing conditions;
  • Spinal cord injuries.

Our team of professionals will work with you to look beyond the actual injury sustained to consider the impact it has, and will have, on your life. How does it affect your energy levels? Are you dealing with chronic pain? In what ways does this impact your psychological and emotional well-being?

Contact Us

If you have suffered a neck or back injury, Spraggs Law can help.

Spraggs Law can help you gain access to fair compensation. We understand the financial constraints accident victims face, including a reduced income and uncovered amounts of medical and rehabilitation expenses. That’s why our fee is a percentage of your settlement and is paid only when you collect.

We pay all disbursements (including the costs of court filing fees, medical reports, etc.) on your behalf and defer the reimbursement of these expenses until the case is settled or decided. Disbursements are costs that you would incur even if you did not hire a lawyer to assist you with your claim. Contact us now for a free, no-obligation consultation.