Rising Costs, Pet Allowance Predicaments, Freak Weather and Program Shortfalls

Rising Costs, Pet Allowance Predicaments, Freak Weather and Program Shortfalls

Each month Spraggs Law publishes Vancouver Legal News, a curated selection of articles about legal issues being discussed in the news. This month we start off with details regarding Canada’s inflation rates and what Vancouver is doing to help mitigate rising rental costs for vulnerable tenants, followed by freak weather tips and tenant/landlord tensions surrounding pet allowances, wrapping up with what happens when pandemic benefits end and other program shortfalls.  

Inflation, Rental Rates and Pet Allowance Predicaments

Mitigating rising rental rates

While Canada’s rising inflation rate affects everyone, even a slight increase in monthly living costs risks homelessness for the city’s most vulnerable population. For this reason, the City of Vancouver is pushing for rent and vacancy control measures to curb rising rental fees being collected for some of Vancouver’s privately owned, single occupancy, low-income units. 

Rising living costs on the horizon for Port Moody homeowners

Since we’re on the topic of rising living costs, here’s a quick rundown on what Port Moody residents can expect to pay less or more for in the new year.

When tenants push the limits on pet allowances

For many of us, pets are part of our families. And so, it comes as a relief when a landlord is willing to accommodate our animal companions or make exceptions on a case-by-case basis. But, unfortunately, some tenants are taking advantage of the “pets welcome” approach by pushing the boundaries of the pet situation — sometimes to the extreme!

Winter Is Coming! Best Be Prepared. 

Tips on safely driving in precarious weather conditions

If autumn is practice for what’s to come this winter, we’re in for one heck of a ride. Vancouver experienced winds strong enough to make patio furniture airborne. At the same time, other parts of BC deal with heavy rainfall, resulting in flooded roads and mudslides that are testing even the most experienced drivers. In response to freak weather and preparation for potential snowfall, thick fog, and icy roads, ICBC released helpful tips on safely driving in poor weather conditions.

Weatherproofing your homestead

Aside from driving cautiously this winter, don’t forget to prepare your home for unexpected storms and heavy snowfall. Many of these weatherproofing tips for Coquitlam homeowners can be applied to anyone living within British Columbia.

Preventing Burnout and Pointing Out Program Shortcomings 

Banishing burnout culture in “No-vember”

Writer Hanna McGregor points out our destructive obsession with overworking and recommends a welcome reprieve from burnout culture.

Navigating maternity leave

Two Canadian women launch a new maternity leave program that promotes income equality and helps new moms navigate their transition to and from the workplace.

What happens when pandemic benefits end

When CRB replaced CERB, recipients were forced to adjust to reduced benefits, and the recent cancellation of Canada’s CRB benefits program is now leaving some Canadians in desperate situations.

A crash victims negative experience with ICBC’s new insurance model

Many citizens appreciated the rebate cheques and lower insurance rates from ICBC following their switch to the No-Fault Insurance model; however, this Vancouver crash victim isn’t enjoying what he says are significant faults in the new program.

What Do You Think?

What do you think about these updates affecting Vancouver citizens, homeowners, and renters across Canada? If you have questions about employment law, personal injury law, or your rights as a tenant or landlord for the team at Spraggs, we’d love to hear from you. Contact one of our lawyers in Vancouver today.